
Romaero SA

Organization Type: Company

Country: Romania

Links: https://www.romaero.com/

Organization Information

ROMAERO S.A. is the most representative company in the Romanian Aerospace industry. It is a state-owned company (56% shares in 2018). The company is internationally recognized as an integrated organization, developing in the same location both aerostructures (detail parts, minor and major assemblies), manufacturing activities and maintenance and repair of civil transport aircraft and military aircraft. With updated infrastructure and employing skilled, highly qualified personnel, Romaero addresses a wide range of aviation programs and research projects and has a wide experience in manufacturing both complete aircraft and aircraft and helicopter components such as skins, structural parts and assemblies both in metallic and composite structures.

Recently (mid 2017) a Research & Development department was created in ROMAERO, with the purpose of developing new technologies that can provide ROMAERO with a competitive advantage on the international aerospace market. One of the responsibilities of the department is to put in place a solid research activity, in collaboration with national partners (for example, research institutes like COMOTI), international companies and, not least, national and international academic environment. The ultimate goal of this research activity is the diversification of the company’s product and services portfolio covering a broad range and aerospace and defence areas.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 820767.

The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Project Coordinator
Prof. Zoe Doulgeri
Automation & Robotics Lab
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Thessaloniki 54124, Greece
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